Monday, December 22

Anthony's Santa Hat

I brought out the video camera to capture some images of the boys for a project I'm working on. Here are two of the videos of Anthony and then some of all three. I was merely trying to get some good snapshots, but the videos are pretty noteworthy (though I am biased...) Let me know what you think!

"Merry Christmas everybody!"

Awww, what a smile!

(In case you're curious - like me - I threw in "Okay, now what's 7 x 6" there at the end. He's been practicing his multiplication tables and I knew it'd get a smile... which it did.)

Okay, now go here to see some more from Nathan

or here to see more video from Joel.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Sara. Those videos are hilarious!!! I love them! Joel made me almost spit my coke out my nose with the "one horse goes on a ride" part. ha ha! Your kids are just the cutest!

    Thanks for the smile!


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