I also tried to convince MANY friend and family members to log in as Sara Bequette and complete my speeches for me, but no one would play along. I think they hate me! LOL
It appears no one likes giving speeches...
At least I'm not alone!
This is my "Self Introductory Speech." I had just posted my autobiography about my family and what-not, so I decided to talk more about work this time. It has nothing to do with having a boring (I mean wonderful) life!
[Edit: My cousin Rachel asked for the autobiography that I mentioned above... I'm posting it below.]
To begin, I turned thirty last January, am a wife, mother of three boys, work full time, and take classes online. (In short... I am tired! hehe) Here are the details:
I began taking online courses at AiO in November of 2007. I am working toward earning a Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design. The degree is pivotal in my career growth. I work in the Business Development department in the home office of Western Construction Group. I create the advertisements and project profile layouts for each of our 36 offices nationwide. I also keep our internal intranet and external website up to date. I have worked for Western for over ten years. I hope to create a position such as "Art Director" with my own team of layout designers once I have obtained my degree. We currently pay tens of thousands of dollars each month for an ad agency to do the heavy lifting stuff, so I could definitely save our company money.
I married my husband Matt nearly a year ago on 08-08-2008. We had been together for more than ten long years, so it was about time! Ha! I could not put in the time necessary for my courses without his support. Not to mention all of the money we forked over for a new laptop, software, printer/scanner, and my new pride and joy - a Wacom tablet. We now live in a box on the corner, but at least I'm in school! (Ha... just kidding of course.) We own a house in Warrenton, Missouri - about an hour west of Saint Louis.
The online classroom appealed to me because I am the mother of three boys while working a full-time job. Our boys are ten, five, and three so they certainly keep us on our toes. My commute to work in Saint Louis is one-hour each way, so my time with our boys is already limited. I attempted going to a community college at night when my oldest son was little, but as my family grew - that was out of the question.
My company reimburses us 100% for school as long as the degree applies to your current position. I began researching online art colleges in the fall of 2007. I was thrilled as soon as I found AiO and knew this was the place for me. I had to write up a business proposal and pitch the idea to my boss to cover the cost, but he immediately jumped on board. So, here I am... ready to learn!
PLEASE - Any advise you can offer to make these better or less painful to show to the world, is greatly appreciated!