Monday, October 6

Cat & Moon

A more playful approach to Halloween. ;o}

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  1. I sent you an invitation to a "Slumber Party" I'm hosting in October and I just wanted to give you a heads up! I've invited other family members too! will Please be sure to RSVP through the email invitation and let me know if you'll be bringing any friends with you so I can be prepared! Love you! PS...AWESOME JOB...AGAIN!

  2. Okay, so can you do that one for me to have for my Halloween Decorations?

    Honestly, you need to sell your artwork.

  3. That would require money for paints and supplies... :op

    One of these days......

    Until then, let me learn all those great pointers from my teachers! I keep having to buy supplies for my classes, so mayhaps with time - I'll have enough supplies to start doing real work for sale. :oD In the meantime, I'm just enjoying myself. ;o}

    Carissa, I did get your invitation. I'm not sure if I can make it just yet, but I hope to. There's just a LOT going on this month. I'm trying to get everything straightened out. I have a very close friend from high school coming to town sometime this month too - and I'm not yet sure when she's visiting. I'll keep you posted as soon as I know for sure! :oD


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