In women, melanoma often develops on the lower legs.
In dark-skinned people, melanoma often appears:
Now, back to why I started this entry: Halloween!
Because of my little trip to the doctor, I ended up taking the entire day off from work. This was a miracle in itself! Halloween day is the worst day to travel ever. Even beats Thanksgiving Day! This was the first year I didn’t have to sit in traffic for hours and rush to get the kids ready in time. Rather, I spent some time relaxing at Mom’s.
We started the evening at the Fall Festival at our church. It was lovely! Mom and I “worked” at the pumpkin painting tables. (I don’t really consider anything to do with paintbrushes, paints, and kids “work.” More like FUN!)
There was a ton to do for all the kids, free food, and great company. I’m really glad we went.
Afterwards we all headed to our house to get ready. Anthony changed into a vampire, Adam; our knight, and Nathan transformed into our chef. It was nice having such a small group. It was Dad, Mom, Adam, Anthony, Nathan, and I. (We missed you Jess! Joel fell asleep after the Fall Festival and stayed home with Matt.) Nathan’s costume was a hit; there were several “oohs” and “aahs.”
Most of the other children were finished trick-or-treating before we even began. That didn’t dampen our spirits! We had a blast! There were still several lit houses around and nearly all of them were tossing candy into the boy’s bags by the handfuls! After just a few houses, their bags were getting quite heavy! We made it down a few streets and then headed back to my house.
I only hope next year turns out so pleasant!
On a side note: I created the picture at the top of this entry via Photoshop for a contest. They supplied the picture of the witch below and we were to do whatever we wanted with it. I decided to turn her into a costume. I did not win. I spent a lot of time with the fern and her hat and didn’t spend the time I should have masking the bristles of the broom and they noticed the difference. I still think it turned out pretty cute. Either way ~ I had fun making it!
By the way, I'm always on the lookout for fun pictures to use for various projects.
If you know of any, or you'd like me to try something in particular for you ~ Just let me know!
I'm going to try to add some Photoshop stuff on here later today.