Wednesday, May 28
Saturday, May 24
Drawing Day 2008:
The Big Day
When is Drawing Day?
Drawing Day this year is June 07, 2008. Unless otherwise noted, Drawing Day will be the first Saturday of June each year.
What is Drawing Day?
One day a year, the world stops to remember that joy we had when we first picked up a pencil and created our first piece of art - that's what Drawing Day is all about. The goal for Drawing Day is simple - to create enough drawings to make some noise worldwide for the sake of art. 2008 is the first year of this initiative. Our goal is definitely a long-shot, but we're aiming for 1 million drawings worldwide. We have no precise measure to know if we reach this goal. If we come close we will all definitely know. Even if we reach 10% of our goal in the first year of this initiative, it will be a great achievement but we will continue aiming for the magic million.
Why is Drawing Day important?
Illustrators and artists alike often go unappreciated. The creation of art and illustration captured our minds ever since we were children and our parents turned the pages of our first book. These stories came to life via the illustrations that took us to an imaginary world full of inspiration.
Whether you're a professional illustrator or you just enjoy the occasional scribble, you can give back to the illustration community by drawing on this day. By injecting more and more illustration and art into our community, we are not only showing our appreciation to our fellow artists, but we are spreading awareness of the joy of drawing. It is important that you contribute - Drawing Day will only be a success if we all participate and make some noise. So, please tell your friends and spread the word.
How do I participate?
To join in on this event is simple - as simple as picking up a pencil and drawing. However, the most important part is sharing your art with the world.
In today's age of technology, the ability to share your art with the world is easier than ever. We have compiled a huge list of ways to participate and share your art online. These are some of the of the best ways to reach a broad audience.

Wednesday, May 21
Wednesday, May 14
Perspective: Week 6

Tuesday, May 13
Perspective: Week 5

Then, our next assignment was to come up with four different ideas to do for our final project and submit those thumbnails. Here were my four ideas that I posted:

I worked so hard on the ideas with the marbles. I just fell in love with the idea and wanted to come up with an image using them somehow. So, I came up with the first three... and could NOT think of a fourth idea. It was late, I had been up for hours and it was nearly the deadline. So, I quickly drew the idea for the island that I had used in the far background of a dragon picture many, many years ago. Which was everyone's favorite you might ask...? You got it, the island... *sigh* life just works that way at times, doesn't it? lol

Monday, May 12
Perspective: Week 4

This first one was just a shadow excercise. We had to place objects under the light at different angles and draw them. Pretty basic stuff here.

This second drawing was of various objects with the same light source drawn in two-point perspective. The small circle near the top would be the light source. The dot directly beneath that is the shadow source. You use that dot to draw the shadow lines just as you do the object; using those orthogonal lines that I wanted to erase desperately! hehe I liked how this one turned out.

The last one is a made up landscape drawing using what we learned about shadows and reflections. Nothing special as far as the drawing goes, but I enjoyed drawing it anyway.

Sunday, May 11
Happy Mother's Day...!
Saturday, May 10
Perspective: Week 3

Also, please note that we were required to keep all those extra lines in our drawings (orthogonal lines), which drove me insane. I wanted to erase them ALL! lol

Perspective: Week 2

Thursday, May 8
Perspective: Week 1

Character Competition Update:

Also, on a side note:
I just finished my Color Theory class yesterday. I'm awaiting my final grade. I need to go back and post some of my work from both Perspective and Color Theory. Though I think the work from my perspective class is more interesting to look at to those that aren't particularly aware of the assignment details. Some of my work from Color Theory is kind of boring otherwise.
I begin by English Comp class today, so I won't have anything too interesting to post in regards to school for a while. I'll keep posting any new drawings that I do on RateMyDrawings in my spare time though. I'll probably do most of those when Matt is on third shift so he's not getting angry at even more of my time spent away from him on the computer! hehe Love you Matt! ;o}